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MR2 Hardwrae-in-the-loop (HIL)

First plug & play HIL in the world

    Most common Hardware in the loop (HIL) in the present market are designed as a simulation tool. The users can change all the details of the real-time simulation, and that means the users NEED TO pay attention to all the details of the real-time simulation. The cost of flexibility is complexity. Moreover, it costs a lot to build a flexible platform which is suitable for a variety of applications. That makes this kind of HIL is quite expensive.  Consequently, the complexity and high-price are two major obstacles for HILs showing up on every engineer or student's desk, like ICEs (In-Circuit Emulator, a very convenient tool for embedded system development.)


    MR2 Hardware-in-the-loop is designed to help more engineers and students benefit from real-time simulation. In addition to 100ns simulation steps and 1us analog signal feedback steps, MR2 HIL has a very easy-to-use operation interface, real-time state monitor (up to 100 kHz bandwidth), plug-and-play feature (construction of simulation is not needed), and an extremely low price (depends on selected modules). The users can simply switch to different kinds of electrical machine, change the system parameters, choose the motor position feedback signals (encoders), setup the repeatable test scenarios, and do all the experiments on their desk (again, just like an ICE.) Starting from motor controller (inverter), another applications of HIL like photovoltaic inverter or other power converters are in development.

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